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Say goodbye to scars and stretch marks.
The One & Only Heat Powered, Lotion Infused Hydrogel Patch Family For All Your Scarring Needs.
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How The StretchPatch Works?
Not a silicone patch and not just a lotion.
Hydrates and smooths your skin, while decreasing discoloration of stretch marks, width, and depth of scars, acne scars, or cellulite, by enabling skin regeneration.

When the StretchPatch is placed on the skin, it helps increase the circulation and opens the pores to deliver all the key ingredients to aid in collagen production. StretchPatch is a highly localized care that softens tissue and promotes skin regeneration over time.
Scars, acne scars, cellulite, and stretch marks (striae) are created in this deeper layer (dermis). When left to heal by themselves, they fill with thick scar tissue. They will need proper care and hydration, even above just silicone patches like Dermaclara or lotions like Maelys.
One Solution Will Not Fit All Skin Types
We at StretchPatch recognize the difference between skin types, and we know that one solution will not fit all stretch marks, ace scars, cellulite, or scarring needs.
This is why we created different formulas so you can have the right product to help you achieve the best results.
The StretchPatch Trifecta
Topical and highly localized ingredient delivery where your stretch marks, cellulite acne, and surgical scars need it the most. It has ingredients, unlike silicone patches like SIO or Dermaclara.
Highly effective ingredients that are specifically designed to aid in skin health, increase collagen production, and skin regeneration. Above and beyond a silicone patch.
Applied heat in the patch will increase circulation and open your pores to deliver the ingredients to the deeper layer of your skin. No other mask or lotion, like Maelys can do that.
Not Sure Which Formula to Use?
Find your best fit based on your stretch mark, acne, cellulite, or scar type.
Small silicone patches like SIO or Dermaclara or even Maelys lotions can't be customized, but the StretchPatch Team solved this problem.
Real Results
No Photoshop, no photoshoots, no cheating. Just real results from real customers.
After only a few applications it made my postpartum stretch marks less visible...